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Tehniskas piezīmes

Noderīgas saites

Noderīgie instrumenti

Saites uz Oracle DBA noderīgiem resursiem Oracle oficiālais web portāls
My Oracle Support a.k.a. Metalink. Cerāms jums ir zināms CSI numurs.
Unbreakable Linux Network ULN is a comprehensive resource for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM support subscribers, and offers access to Linux software patches, updates and fixes. Some information available without subscription.
Public Yum Server Official, but free resources for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM from Oracle.
CVE-updates Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - The Standard for Information Security Vulnerability Names
Oracle Java Archive All old versions of JRE/JDK download.
The Oracle FAQ "Not an official Oracle Support site, but rather a get-together of people with jobs in Oracle." Anyway it contains many useful articles. Very useful collection of scripts, articles, forum, books, etc. Structured, short and without marketing "water" Also contains every verion "Features List" with short explanation. On-line errors messages database by erro code: ORA-,TNS-,PLS-,...
Ask Tom Tom Kyte is answering the questions. Many years archive. Oracle Security from Limited - web site of well known security expert. A network for the Oracle scientist, who believes in better ways of administering and developing Oracle based systems. The network is an informal organisation, but they also publish good books.
Hotsos Hotsos company web-site (by Cary Millsap and other experts) as well as annual Hotsos Symposim information. They have some usefull articles and tools
OraPub Projektu organizēja un pārvalda labi pazistams Oracle ACE Director - Craig Shallahamer: "is a one-stop location for specialized training in Oracle database performance tuning, designed to help database managers get the answers and skills they need through engaging training and useful resources."
Resursi: apmacības materiāli, (bezmaksas) utilītas Oracle datubāzes veiktspējas monitoringām un analizei.
Kā arī regulāra konsultācijas un semināri visā pasaulē.
Pythian Pythian experts blogs. Some articles are also by experts from Latvia (Yury Velikanov, Maris Elsins, Andrejs Prokopjevs, Raivis Saldabols) and we know them personally. Collection of scripts, hints and notes by Jeffrey M. Hunter (for Oracle and other DB and OS)
TOAD - Oracle Wiki Īsas un informatīvas piezīmes krājums Oracle produktu dažādu aspektu administrēšanai, ieskaitot Oracle dokumentācijas bazētas references.
Red-Database-Security Red-Database-Security kompānijas web-site, kas specializējas uz Oracle drošības jautājumiem. Dažas publikācijas ir novecojušas, bet daudz arī aktuāli, noderīgu un interesantu par drošību Oracle produktos.
TechOnTheNet Krājums, kur ir rokasgrāmatas (ieskaitot sintakses aprakstus, kļūdas kodi ar aprakstu un risinājumiem) un pamacības popolārākiem datubāzes tehnoloģijām, Ms-Office, Web-izstrādei un citas lietas.

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